Mars Landing (credit: Dan Durda)
For example, you can help in the enormous task of naming over half a million officially cataloged craters on our new map of Mars!
You can also nominate names made available by Uwingu for astronomers to use for planets around other stars. And you can vote on which nominated names you like best too.
And when you participate in these and other activities on this web site, or when you make purchases of Uwingu gifts at our Cafe Press site, you’ll also be funding space exploration, space research, and space education. How? Through “The Uwingu Fund,” which your purchases support to provide grants for space exploration, space research, and space education. To date, fully half of all revenues raised at this web site have gone to The Uwingu Fund! (The other half of our revenues have gone to pay the company’s bills.)
We aspire for sales of Uwingu’s products to raise millions—and perhaps even tens of millions—annually—for The Uwingu Fund, helping to accelerate work in these areas, and to backstop researchers and educators as government budgets shrink.

Apophis Close Approach in 2029 (credit: Dan Durda)
Never before has there been any significant source of non-governmental funds for space exploration, space research, and space education like this.
We hope you enjoy Uwingu’s projects, connecting to space in new ways with us, and helping advance space exploration, research and education while you do!